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Sunday, December 28, 2008

My last post in Norway since I'll be flying off tomorrow. I know I have been totally lacking in updates, sorry, but the trip updates will have to be done when I'm back in Singapore. In this last time where I'm typing a blog post in my Norwegian Hostel Room, I will try and summarise the whole Norwegian adventure.

Life in Norway has been full of ups and downs. And it has mostly been me I think. The same old problem of thinking too much and letting myself bring me down. Some things cannot be helped. Like grandma. It is something that will stay with me for quite a while. But the experience here can never be replaced. The trips, the people, the food, even the things I learn. I've grown.

The trips I've made around Europe and even within Norway has made me seen so much more. The world is not that small after all. So much to see, so little time. If time and money permits, I'll definitely revisit the countries again.

As for the people, I've met so many different kind of people. Even the ones that I already knew. I've seen another side of them. Human are really socialising creatures. I doubt I would have survived these 5 months if I came alone.

Food. I CAN COOK! Discovery! Haha. Oh well, at least I can cook something decent and in fact, I'm much better at local food. Haha. I managed to cook nice prawn noodles, nice laksa, nice curry etc. As for western. Hmm. I'll need to eat more to know how to cook them. Hehe. Discovery number 2. I so prefer the fast food in Singapore. They taste so much better! Bah! McSpicy, Zinger... But if you are talking about cuisines, Belgium definitely left a very deep impression. The raw mussels, the fries, ice cream and even their random burgers. Heavenly.

Norway. I'll miss the slower pace of life here. The fresh air. The mountain that looks over me every single day. The long day to short day. The warm air to cold air. The snow. The Dota. The friends around me. Even the T-Bane and BI.

Seriously, I have no idea how to put my feelings into words. I'm looking forward to going back home, but at the same time, I want to continue staying here in Norway. I still want to go up North to see the Northern Lights. I still want to play with snow. But I want to go back to see my friends and K! I want to eat real Laksa and Rojak and all the local food! Oh well, all good things must come to an end right? So I guess this is good. I think I'm talking incoherently already. So one last shoutout.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The mid-term trip with James, Bernice, Alicia and Yuan Sheng to Bremen. We practically just shopped. Haha. Not that I minded. So technically, we don't have much photos either. Who will be snapping pictures when we're all busy shopping?! Hehe. Plus we only went to the city center, where all the shops were! Whee! PS: The following post contains almost all the pictures I have of Bremen. Have fun!

On the way to the airport

Our first dinner. Recommended by YS. Don't ask me why I didn't take a picture of what we ate. I just have no idea

The huge sunflower someone grew near our hostel. Cool right?

It's like really popular in Europe to have the broken glass "concept". Haha. At the tram stop near our hostel.

The city center

My lunch. Kebab set. Our obsession with kebabs. :/

Ah this thing is everywhere! The Bremen Town Musician. I even bought a storybook about it for my little cousin! :)


Some rare pictures of us outside a shopping center. Hehe. And yes, in the first picture, the animals on the merry-go-round are the Bremen Town Musician!

And to end off our first full day here, we made a trip to a nearby supermarket! To buy cheap chocolates back. Hehe. Plus snacks and drinks to the hostel!

Oddly shaped vegetables and HUGE pumpkins!

We bought so much that we decided to push the trolley back to our hostel, thinking that it's only like 3-4 tram stops away. Hehe. So off we go, pushing the supermaket trolley back!

When we reached the hostel, the hostel owner was like in shock when he saw the trolley! Haha! And he made us promise to bring it back. He even came up the next morning to remind us. Hehe.

Our first drink. Becks Ice. Very mild and sweet. Great for beginners. :)

So the next morning, being good kids, we pushed the trolley back! And decided to walk all the way to the city center with a lunch stop somewhere in the middle. No regrets, the food was great. And we even went back for dinner!

The view while we were walking to the city center

The BTM Strikes Back! They are literally everywhere! Outside momuments, outside shops, on the streets and even in shopping centers.

The nice dinner place. The pizza looks plain and normal? But it is really Yummylicious!

Guess the lump! Duh it's Alicia! Haha.

More drinks. We met Audrey, Jenna and Hualing on our last day in Bremen, so we invited them over to our hostel for drinks and fun with our new game set. The Texas Hold 'Em Set! Whoots!

That ends off our trip in Bremen. Next up, London where I had the experience of my life. :)
Friday, December 5, 2008

Ok, I'm back as promised! Whee! I'm posting my 2 separate trips to Sweden. Once, we took a bus from Oslo S to Gotenburg and the 2nd time, Luna drove us up to do grocery shopping. The timeline now is no longer accurate cause I just wanted to blog about Sweden in one go, instead of doing a Sweden, Bremen, Sweden post. Hehe. So Sweden!

For Gotenburg, technically, we went to shop, so not many pictures. But still, it was a nice get-away.

View from the bus

The bus station and the Gotenburg taxi

The shopping centre

A market we walked into

Pictures we took outside! Finally. Jeans hanging across the street! For a jeans shop!

That's all for Gotenburg. Haha. Really short right? Haha. Next, Sweden with Luna. We bought a lot of groceries. Some of the things we bought, 9kg of chicken thighs, 6kg of chicken fillet, around 20 cartons of Capri-sonne, 24 cans of Coke, 24 cans of assorted drinks, 5kg of flour, 3-4kg of fish, 3kg of beef and many more that I cannot remember. :/


Luna driving! The rest in the car.

The freaking Huge Tobelrone and the meat place.

Next up, a trolley in H&M! Haha. Seen a supermarket trolley in a shopping store? The trolleys are everywhere in the shopping center. Plus the huge Pepsi can in the candy place (it's huge!) and how can we miss out on the all so common "pose with the teeth candy" picture. One group pic before we went to the supermarket and a Halloween decoration in the supermarket.

Fast-forwarding to the trip back. We decided to take the Ro-ro back, so pics of us taking before we went into the Ro-ro, the cars in the Ro-ro, the interior of the ship. It's a really nice ship, but it was one hell of a ride. My gosh, the ship was so rocky, we couldn't even walk straight! And it made us so so uncomfortable. The bad weather. It was raining. :(

The rocking got so bad that we decided to go up to the deck. Going up the deck is really so so so much better, but the downside? It's freaking cold and the winds were damn strong! Luckily, I'm fat, cannot be literally blown away. :/

Finally back in hostel, we had the chore of moving everything up from the car to our kitchen! Pictures of some of the food we bought.

And to end this post off, an UNGLAM pic of Bernice trying to pack stuff into our cupboard! Hehe. But it's ok, James still loves you. =p

Ok I'm tired of dragging pictures already. Bremen, another day, or maybe even tonight. Till then!